
People do, what is most convenient.

I received the words, the truth, that “people do, what is most convenient” from Trent Loos, while we were talking one day.

His words rang true to me. His words, actually hit me in the gut like a boxers blow, or a sledge hammer.

We willingly walk into a convenience store, knowing we will pay more, but get less, because it is convenient.

We willingly buy into organic, free range, or any number of trendy terms, because it fits the mainstream mantra, hoping we will be accepted, even though it costs us more, in many more ways, than the money we spend.

We willingly give our power of thought, to those who do not have our best interest at heart, because it is convenient.

Our food, housing, freedom, medical needs are turned over to government agencies, because it is convenient.

Imagine, if you can, the founders of freedom…the founders of this nation, choosing to follow the convenient way…

It would have been convenient, to pay the taxes, and abide by rules and regulations, of those who thought they had power over the freedom that is instilled in us by God.

Convenience gave us mail ballots, and lockdowns.

Convenience gave us food rationing, and water rationing.

Convenience gave us communities burned, forest land burned, and dependence….Farms bankrupt, ranches torn apart, logging communities dead, and a nation torn asunder.

Is it convenient, to fight to regain freedom?

Thanks Trent…

Cattle's ability to up-cycle protein is a wonder to behold | AGDAILY

21 thoughts on “People do, what is most convenient.

  1. JDB says:

    One of the most commonly thought thoughts, “How does this affect me?” Couple the ”me” thought with the convenience factor and you have a recipe for a society spiraling in the wrong direction.


  2. David Fowles says:

    Powerfully spoken, this Thanksgiving more than ever we need to recapture true thankfulness of a loving God. All of us need to be activist to ensure this never ever happens again


  3. David Fowles says:

    Powerfully spoken, this Thanksgiving more than ever we need to recapture true thankfulness of a loving God. All of us need to be activist to ensure this never ever happens again


  4. Bob DiMeco says:

    Trent – thank you for voicing what is so simple a concept. However so many people can’t seem to see past their on “easy ” needs to actually see what we truly need.


  5. James L Werner says:

    The Dems are anticipating we will go all in on convenience.
    I am truly hoping we will not. I believe in truth, the light, and the United States of America.


  6. John Sheaffer says:

    There’s a cancer which has infiltrated our beautiful Country. Unless our young men and women fight this darkness, our enemies will prevail in killing off our sacred Republic.

    God save the U.S.A.


  7. Unknown says:

    So true. We’re doomed with the incoming socialist, convenience, government runs YOU, YOU don’t run crap. We’ve become a lazy, uneducated, uncaring except for the ‘easy way’ and we are about to pay for it. Wake up America and fight back with sticks and stones if you have too, but fight for liberty.


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